

On average, a U.S. college graduate has more than $37,500 in student loan debt.

Ñý¼§Ö±²¥ State University at Stark is committed to helping our students earn a high-quality degree while being financially responsible.

Discover your debt-free formula and earn a Ñý¼§Ö±²¥ State degree with little to no debt.

Tuition comparison for 2024-25

Learn more about Ñý¼§Ö±²¥ State's tuition and Guaranteed Tuition Plan.


  1. It begins with our Regional Campus Hometown Tuition Rate. At just $7,385 per year, our tuition rate is 47% lower than average Ohio public residential campuses and 80% lower than average Ohio private colleges and universities. You’re off to a great start!
  2. Do you qualify for the Pell Grant? A full Pell Grant is $7,395, which covers 100% of our tuition. . 
  3. We offer more than $650,000 in scholarships. That’s right, free money is available to you just because you’re awesome. Explore your scholarship options
  4. College Credit Plus (CCP): The CCP program is designed to allow college-ready students, grades 7-12 who qualify for college admission, the opportunity to earn both high school and college credit. Students can earn up to 60 college credit hours before they even set foot on campus. Your college costs could be cut in half. Discover more about CCP.
  5. Part-time worker, full-time student: Many of our students are able to find a comfortable balance between working part-time and managing their class schedule. We’ll work with you to help design a schedule that puts you in a great position to pay your bills and get the grades.
  6. Close to home: It’s one of the main perks of being a commuter campus. It’s also a great way to save money while in college.


Email starkadmissions@kent.edu or call 330-244-3251 with questions. We'd love to hear from you!