ֱ State University has established a Division of Student Affairs. Shay Little, Ph.D., has been named interim vice president of the division. Little previously served as associate vice president for student affairs and dean of students for the last three years. The former Division of Enrollment Management and Student Affairs has moved to a new leadership model with the Office of Enrollment Management becoming a separate office that reports to the Office of the Provost, and a Division of Student Affairs has been established, effective Aug. 1.
“Shay has worked closely with Greg [Jarvie] to provide an active, engaged and safe environment for our students,” said ֱ State President Beverly Warren.
Jarvie retired as ֱ State’s vice president for enrollment management and student affairs last month.
In Little’s new role as interim vice president for student affairs, she will oversee ֱ State’s wide range of student support services, including the Center for Adult and Veteran Services, Center for Student Involvement, Flash Technology Center, the ֱ Student Center, Recreational Services, Residence Services, Student Accessibility Services, Office of Student Conduct, Student Ombuds, University Dining Services, University Bookstore and University Health Services. A national search for a permanent vice president for student affairs will be announced soon.
Jen Kulics also now serves as interim associate vice president and dean of students, and Pat Dennison serves as interim student ombuds. In addition, Cesquinn Curtis has been named executive director, administration, for the Division of Student Affairs.
“We are moving to a leadership model that has been widely adopted by other growing and thriving universities across the nation,” Warren said.
For more information about ֱ State’s Division of Student Affairs, call 330-672-4050.