
Outstanding Research and Creativity Awards


The Ñý¼§Ö±²¥ State EHHS Outstanding Research and Creative Activity Award recognizes and encourages faculty excellence in academic research and creative activity. Nominations may be based on a sustaining an above-average level of productivity over an extended period of time, a recent publication of particularly high quality, recent receipt of significant research funding, or other meritorious achievement. One Ñý¼§Ö±²¥ State EHHS Outstanding Research and Creative Activity Award will be made annually, in each of the following categories (for a total of two annual awards):

  1. Early Career: researchers within 10 years of starting as an Assistant Professor
    1. Level 1: Pre-tenure
    2. Level 2: Post-tenure
  2. Senior Investigator: researchers with more than 10 years of experience in an Academic position


All current full-time TT and NTT faculty who have been at Ñý¼§Ö±²¥ State University EHHS for a minimum period of two years. Previous recipients are eligible to re-apply for the award after 7 years. Meritorious activity for a reapplication must have occurred after receiving previous award.

Application Procedure

Applicants will self-nominate for this award. There are no restrictions to the number of applicants from a given Program / School. The language across all application materials should be understandable by an educated but broader audience who may be unfamiliar with the applicant’s specific line of work.

Application materials:

  1. Complete online Nomination Form (PDF)
  2. Nomination letter (up to 1 page single-spaced, 12pt Times New Roman font) describing how the applicant meets the criteria for the award. In addition to a description of current activities, letters should address the significance of the applicant’s total body of research/creative activity to the field.
    Note: If application is self-nominated, the applicant should secure an additional nomination letter from a colleague or peer supporting the application.
  3. The applicant’s curriculum vitae or resume, emphasizing research/creative activity (up to 10 pages).



Meets Expectations

Exceeds Expectations

Far Exceeds Expectations


Research / creative activity  is described

Research / creative activity is clearly described and supported

Research / creative activity is clearly described and illustrated by multiple concrete examples


The amount, depth, and/or significance of the applicant’s research / creative activity is commensurate with expectations

The amount, depth, and/or significance of the applicant’s research / creative activity exceeds expectations

The amount, depth, and/or significance of the applicant’s research / creative activity far exceeds expectations


The applicant’s research / creative activity has minor impact on current knowledge in the applicant’s field or across fields

The applicant’s research / creative activity has some impact on current knowledge in the applicant’s field or across fields

The applicant’s research / creative activity has profound impact on current knowledge in the applicant’s field or across fields

Areas of Outstanding Work

The applicant’s research /creative activity is primarily centered around a single activity: publications, grantwork, or another creative activity.

The applicant demonstrates research / creative activity that spans multiple categories: publications, grantwork, or another creative activity.

The applicant demonstrates excellence in research / creative activities that span multiple categories: publications, grantwork, or another creative activity.