
Assistant Writing Program Coordinator

In light of the University-wide impact of and the large enrollments in the Freshman Writing Program, the duties of the Writing Program Coordinator may be assisted by an Assistant Writing Program Coordinator, who is normally a full-time non-tenure track faculty member assigned appropriate administrative workload equivalencies.  The Assistant Writing Program Coordinator, who works in consultation with the Writing Program Coordinator,

  •  Assists with the College Writing Stretch (ENG 11001/2) program (including faculty training sessions, portfolio assessments, and textbook selection in consultation with the Writing Program Coordinator);
  • Assists with selection of materials for pre-semester orientation for new faculty. Administers  class observation procedures;
  • Represents the Writing Program in handling complaints, working with textbook representatives, and keeping the Writing Program Office responsive to writing faculty, students, and the public;
  • Schedules class sections for grad students and PT faculty, in consultation with the Coordinator;
  • Assists Coordinator in new student placement procedures such as selecting reading samples and devising writing prompts;
  • Assists as needed with AQIP tasks designed by Coordinator
  • Performs other appropriate tasks to assist the Writing Program Coordinator;