Additional Administrative Appointments
Appointments to other departmental administrative positions are made by the Chair after consultation with the FAC. Workload equivalents for these appointments are referenced in Section 2 “Teaching Assignments and Work Load” contained in this handbook.
ESL Center Director
Serves as Director of the ESL Center. Coordinates the ESL offerings of the Department, including the placement of students in appropriate classes; supervises instructors teaching ESL classes; and acts as liaison with other University offices and programs concerned with ESL issues and international students, such as Admissions and the office for International Affairs. Develops and coordinates additional ESL programs.
Regional Campuses Coordinator
The Regional Campuses Coordinator is appointed by the Department Chairperson after consultation with the Regional Campuses Committee, FAC, the relevant Campus Dean, and the Executive Dean for Regional Campuses. The Coordinator is charged with facilitating communication and collaboration among English faculty on the several campuses, and with serving as ex officio non-voting member of FAC. The term normally is three years and carries with it a one-course per semester teaching load reduction.
Assistant Writing Program Coordinator
In light of the University-wide impact of and the large enrollments in the Freshman Writing Program, the duties of the Writing Program Coordinator may be assisted by an Assistant Writing Program Coordinator, who is normally a full-time non-tenure track faculty member assigned appropriate administrative workload equivalencies. The Assistant Writing Program Coordinator, who works in consultation with the Writing Program Coordinator,
- Assists with the College Writing Stretch (ENG 11001/2) program (including faculty training sessions, portfolio assessments, and textbook selection in consultation with the Writing Program Coordinator);
- Assists with selection of materials for pre-semester orientation for new faculty. Administers class observation procedures;
- Represents the Writing Program in handling complaints, working with textbook representatives, and keeping the Writing Program Office responsive to writing faculty, students, and the public;
- Schedules class sections for grad students and PT faculty, in consultation with the Coordinator;
- Assists Coordinator in new student placement procedures such as selecting reading samples and devising writing prompts;
- Assists as needed with AQIP tasks designed by Coordinator
- Performs other appropriate tasks to assist the Writing Program Coordinator;
Assistant Undergraduate Studies Coordinator
The Undergraduate Studies Coordinator may be assisted by an Assistant Undergraduate Studies Coordinator, who is normally a full-time non-tenure track faculty member assigned appropriate workload equivalencies (See SECTION 2, Table 1). The Assistant Undergraduate Studies Coordinator, who works in consultation with the Undergraduate Studies Coordinator, serves as principal advisor for English majors and minors and performs other tasks to assist the Undergraduate Studies Coordinator.
Writing Commons Director
Coordinates activities of the Writing Commons, including hiring, training, and supervision of tutors; scheduling; and record-keeping. Acts as liaison with English Department and with other ֱ Campus units and offices concerned with academic support services.