Year of Science
ֱ State University College of Arts and Sciences is celebrating a Year of Science!
Don’t miss this event! Register today!
Panelists will focus on media ethics of “Dirty Politics” at national workshop
Poynter ֱ State Media Ethics Workshop, Thu Sept. 20 @ Franklin Hall
Don’t miss this event! Register today! Panelists will focus on media ethics of “Dirty Politics” at national workshopKENT STATE INFORMAL ANALYSIS SEMINAR
Supported by the Department of Mathematical Sciences of ֱ State University.
October 18 and 19, 2012
Please e-mail Dmitry Ryabogin ryabogin@math.kent.edu
or Artem Zvavitch…
Informal Analysis Seminar - October 18-19, 2012
KENT STATE INFORMAL ANALYSIS SEMINAR Supported by the Department of Mathematical Sciences of ֱ State University. October 18 and 19, 2012 Please e-mail Dmitry Ryabogin ryabogin@math.kent.edu or Artem Zvavitch…KENT STATE INFORMAL ANALYSIS SEMINAR
Lecture Series in Analysis
November 16 - 18, 2012
Please e-mail Dmitry Ryabogin ryabogin@math.kent.edu
or Artem Zvavitch zvavitch@math.kent.edu
Informal Analysis Seminar - November 16-18, 2012
KENT STATE INFORMAL ANALYSIS SEMINAR Lecture Series in Analysis November 16 - 18, 2012 Please e-mail Dmitry Ryabogin ryabogin@math.kent.edu or Artem Zvavitch zvavitch@math.kent.edu ڴǰ…The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry welcomes three new faculty members this Fall.
Professor Barry Dunietz is a new Assistant Professor in Physical Chemistry. Professor Dunietz earned his Ph.D. in Chemical Physics from Columbia University and worked as a postdoctoral…
Welcome New Faculty
The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry welcomes three new faculty members this Fall. Professor Barry Dunietz is a new Assistant Professor in Physical Chemistry. Professor Dunietz earned his Ph.D. in Chemical Physics from Columbia University and worked as a postdoctoral…It's time for the Departmental Picnic once again! This year, the picnic will be held on Saturday, September 22nd at Pavilion #1 in Plum Creek Park (ֱ). The picnic will start at 1:00pm.
Join us for the Departmental Picnic!
It's time for the Departmental Picnic once again! This year, the picnic will be held on Saturday, September 22nd at Pavilion #1 in Plum Creek Park (ֱ). The picnic will start at 1:00pm.The Department of Geography at ֱ State University seeks an Urban Geographer with interests in urban sustainability and/or urban planning. A specialization in statistical modeling, GIS and/or remote sensing related to urban geography is desirable (Qualifications: Ph.D.…
Faculty position available in urban geography
The Department of Geography at ֱ State University seeks an Urban Geographer with interests in urban sustainability and/or urban planning. A specialization in statistical modeling, GIS and/or remote sensing related to urban geography is desirable (Qualifications: Ph.D.…Laura Bartolo, Professor and Director of the at ֱ State University, was recently na
Laura Bartolo named member of the National Academies of Sciences BRDI
Laura Bartolo, Professor and Director of the at ֱ State University, was recently naDr. Joshua Stacher, Assistant Professor and expert in authoritarian governments, had assisted the Carter Center in the Presidential elections in Egypt in 2011. He was one of two academic experts flown in to brief President Jimmy Carter on the first round of the Egyptian…
Dr. Joshua Stacher assists The Carter Center in the Presidential elections in Egypt
Dr. Joshua Stacher, Assistant Professor and expert in authoritarian governments, had assisted the Carter Center in the Presidential elections in Egypt in 2011. He was one of two academic experts flown in to brief President Jimmy Carter on the first round of the Egyptian…The Ohio Third Frontier Commission has approved a $3 million award to ֱ State University. The award is part of the more than $21 million in grants recommended by the commission through the Ohio Third Frontier Open Innovation Incentive and the Ohio Third Frontier Innovation…
Ohio Third Frontier Awards $3 Million to ֱ State University
The Ohio Third Frontier Commission has approved a $3 million award to ֱ State University. The award is part of the more than $21 million in grants recommended by the commission through the Ohio Third Frontier Open Innovation Incentive and the Ohio Third Frontier Innovation…Four ֱ State University students were honored by the Mathematical Sciences Department on April 30. The students were finalists for the Kathleen Wolf Award, an annual award honoring one outstanding Core Mathematics student. The award is in memory of the late Mrs. Kathleen Wolf…