Crash the Barriers: Build Your Team
Location: Independence, Ohio Price: $395.00
Learn how you REALLY operate within a team and how you set your team up for success or failure. This program is designed to teach you, as a leader, how to build teams and group interactions through a totally hands-on experience. Walk away with specific actions to build your current team and integrate new employees into the team.
- Understanding Barriers Inside Your Team
- The Circle of Invitation
- Un-agreed to Expectations are Resentments Waiting to Happen
- Plan, Problem Solve, Process and Improve
We can tailor this program and deliver it on-site or virtually for your employees and leaders.

As an entrepreneur, author and radio talk show host, as well as a community leader and outdoor enthusiast, Ned Parks pulls from a wealth of experience to deliver upbeat and highly interactive programs.
"Great learning opportunity to understand how to build trust and pride in a workplace."
Emily Price, Group leader, NPA Coatings