Programs & Services
The Ñý¼§Ö±²¥ State of Well-being is proud to offer the following programs and services for the 2024 - 2025 Academic Year.
Fresh Check Day
An uplifting mental health promotion and suicide prevention event for college students that aims to create an approachable and
hopeful atmosphere where students are encouraged to engage in dialogue about mental health. Event includes interactive expo booths, peer-to-peer messaging, support of multiple campus departments and groups, free food, entertainment, exciting prizes and giveaways.- Date & Time: Wednesday, Sept. 25 from 2 - 5 p.m.
- Location: Ñý¼§Ö±²¥ Student Center - Risman Plaza (Rain location: DI Hub)
Ñý¼§Ö±²¥ State Farmers' Market
Ñý¼§Ö±²¥ State University has partnered with Haymaker Farmers' Market to bring a farmer's market to the Ñý¼§Ö±²¥ campus. The Ñý¼§Ö±²¥ State Farmers' Market provides students with opportunities to learn about the local farming community, select fresh produce and connect with the broader Ñý¼§Ö±²¥ community in addition to creating a community around food with a warm, friendly and fun environment. The market will include selling crafts (photography, prints, glass, fiber) and educational workshops related to food as well as performances (music, dance, theater).
The Ñý¼§Ö±²¥ State Farmers' Market is a perfect example of programming that exposes the university community to nutritious local foods, products, farms and agriculture. The collaborative project aligns perfectly with the mission of the Ñý¼§Ö±²¥ State of Well-being and highlights the new eight dimensions of well-being framework promoted on our campus.
For additional information regarding dates, times, vendors and more, go to
Mindfulness & Meditation
Discover how to incorporate mindfulness skills and meditation into your life to better manage stress!
For more information, please visit the Mindfulness & Meditation webpage.
Mindful Mile
The Mindful Mile is a 1-mile walk around the Ñý¼§Ö±²¥ campus that is open to faculty, staff and students. There are several stops along the route where participants will engage with various departments and groups to learn about wellness and mindfulness and earn a stamp on their ticket. Return your completed ticket to be entered to win a prize.
Date: Time: Thursday, Sept. 19 from 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Location: Begins/ends at Risman Plaza
Cost: Free
Tobacco Cessation Services
As a tobacco-free campus, the KSoW offers a free tobacco cessation program to students through the American Lung Association.
Interested participants can call 330-672-5763 or email to register for this program.
For more information about the program, please visit the .
For additional resources for students, please visit the Student Smoking Cessation Resources.
For additional resources for faculty and staff, please visit
Well Huts
Look for our tent on campus where our Peer Educators will provide timely interactive wellness information and giveaways.
Wellness Wednesdays
Free weekly event for students every Wednesday during the academic year providing wellness education, interactive activities, and giveaways. Participants do not need to be present the entire time.
Dates & Times:
Wednesdays, Jan. 15 - Apr. 30 from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.
(No program Mar. 12 Spring Break)Please check our Instagram account () for more specific dates and locations for each event.
For disability accommodations, please email
Individual Assistance
Staff members and Peer Educators are available to address questions on a variety of health related topics. Our office provides referrals and health education resources for individual needs, resources for programming and other areas of interest. Please e-mail us at or call 330-672-5769 (KSOW)
Programs By Request
The staff of the Ñý¼§Ö±²¥ State of Well-being and Peer Educators offer several programs by request for student organizations, residence halls, and other populations. We provide education to Ñý¼§Ö±²¥ State students that help develop skills to improve health and well-being.
Safer Sex Supplies
The Ñý¼§Ö±²¥ State of Well-being and Ñý¼§Ö±²¥ State University Undergraduate Student Government provide free, external condoms located in dispensers at the following locations:
- Ñý¼§Ö±²¥ Student Center: First floor Men's Restroom
- Ñý¼§Ö±²¥ Student Center: First floor Women's Restroom
- Ñý¼§Ö±²¥ Student Center: Third floor Universal Restroom
- Tri-Towers Rotunda: First floor Men's Restroom
- Tri-Towers Rotunda: First floor Women's Restroom
- Design Innovation Hub: Universal Restroom, Room 225
- Student Recreation and Wellness Center: Well Hub
- The Well Hub has internal condoms, external condoms, dental dams, lubricant and finger cots.
How do I use:
If you are staff, faculty, an RA/RD or a registered student organization, please contact us if you have interest in a presentation or safer sex supplies for your class or group. Supplies are limited, but we would like to work with you to get you connected to resources. Click on the link below to request a program or e-mail us at for more information.
Contact Information
The Well Hub
Beverly J. Warren Student Recreation and Wellness Center
Meghan Factor-Page
Assistant Director, Ñý¼§Ö±²¥ State of Well-being