Criteria, Performance Expectations, and Academic Unit Procedures Relating to Faculty Excellence Awards
Faculty Excellence Awards Criteria
Whether there will be money for Faculty Excellence Awards (FEA) during the duration of a Tenure-Track Unit Collective Bargaining Agreement (TTCBA) is a subject of negotiation between the University and AAUP-KSU. If there is to be a Faculty Excellence Award pool, it will be noted in the Salaries article of the TTCBA. The TTCBA will set the amount of the total pool available for FEA and how that pool is to be distributed (e.g., the period covered by the FEA pool; the award categories; the per capita amount which determines each unit's pool and maximum and minimum awards, if any). Also according to the TTCBA each unit is to create specific criteria and an evaluation process which is incorporated into the unit handbook. Currently for Ñý¼§Ö±²¥ Campus units, Faculty Excellence Awards are divided 50/50 between Teaching and/or University Citizenship and Research and Creative Activity. Given that the nature of Faculty work varies widely within UL, and that teaching is not the primary job responsibility of most UL Faculty members, UL defines the Teaching/University Citizenship category as Job Performance and/or University Citizenship.
It should be noted that applying for a Faculty Excellence Award does not guarantee that the applicant will receive an Award.
UL Procedures
- Once the amount of the total pool granted to UL has been determined, the percentages of the UL pool granted to the Provost and to the Dean will be removed from the total amount. The unit will make awards from the remainder of the FEA pool.
- The Dean has discretion to use his/her portion of the UL FEA pool as he/she determines as long as it is granted to UL members of the Tenure-Track Collective Bargaining Unit in recognition of Faculty excellence.
- Members of the College Advisory Committee (CAC), with the following exceptions, will serve as the FEA Committee in UL:
- The Secretary of CAC is excused from serving on the FEA Committee.
- The NTT representative to CAC is not eligible to serve on the FEA Committee.
- Because the FEA process is campus-specific, Regional Campus Librarians participate in the FEA process on their home campus. As such, any Regional Campus Librarian serving on CAC is excused from serving on the FEA Committee.
- If CAC believes that additional representation on the FEA Committee is necessary to ensure a fair process, the CAC may nominate up to two (2) additional committee members from the Ñý¼§Ö±²¥ Campus UL Faculty.
- The UL criteria and process shall be reviewed by the CAC in advance of an FEA period to ensure that the members of the FEA Committee understand the process.
- The FEA Committee, in consultation with the Dean, will determine the minimum point value necessary to be considered for an FEA in each award area. This information will be provided to the Faculty as part of the application process.
- The minimum point value in the Research and Creative Activity category will be determined based on the number of years in the merit period multiplied by 20 points per year. If a Faculty member was not in the unit for the entirety of the FEA period, that individual's minimum will be determined by multiplying 20 points by the time of service in full year and half year increments.
- The minimum point value in the Job Performance and/or Service category will be 500 points regardless of the Faculty member's length of service in the FEA period or a Faculty member's total length of service. Additionally, the applicant must show greater success (as demonstrated by the point total) in Job Performance than University Citizenship.
- The Dean and the FEA Committee shall notify the Faculty of the UL criteria and process for FEA and the deadline by which applications are to be received. All Faculty members should be encouraged to apply.
- A Faculty member may choose to apply for an FEA in either or both categories and must submit the materials specified in the sections below.
- Only completed work, excluding work in press, may be submitted for consideration. Materials and accomplishments will not be considered in more than one FEA time period.
- Once the FEA applications have been received, the FEA Committee and the Dean will review the files independently, determine whether an applicant has met the minimum criteria for consideration, and verify and/or assign points within each category.
- The Dean and the FEA Committee will meet to share their respective determinations. A full and open discussion of the applications in each category will occur. These discussions are to be considered independent of one another and the result in one category should not be taken into consideration when discussing the other.
- Following this discussion, a final point value in each category will be determined. The Dean and the FEA Committee must agree on this final point value for each individual applicant. In the unusual circumstance that the Dean and the FEA Committee do not reach agreement on the final point value for an individual applicant, the lower of the two proposed point values will be deemed final.
- FEAs will be awarded on a proportional basis; the number of total points awarded in a category will be divided into the amount of money available for award in that category to determine the per point amount.
Information regarding the Dean's preliminary determination of FEA amounts awarded and to whom will be provided to all Faculty. An opportunity to request reconsideration of a preliminary determination will be provided as set forth in the TTCBA.
UL Criteria for Job Performance/University Citizenship
Within this category, Job Performance is more highly valued than University Citizenship. An applicant can only receive an FEA in this category if the minimum qualification is met and the applicant has achieved greater success (as demonstrated by the points total) in Job Performance than University Citizenship.
In order to apply for an FEA in this category, the Faculty member must submit all performance evaluations for the time period to which the FEA pool applies and a completed standard form categorizing his/her efforts into the areas indicated below. To aid the Dean and FEA Committee in evaluating an application for Job Performance FEA, the applicant may wish to highlight and annotate areas in the performance evaluations that correspond to the categories in the form. A standard form will be made available electronically in advance of the submission process.
Job Performance
The FEA Committee and the Dean will award points in the Job Performance category on a scale dependent on the evidence presented. No more than 200 points can be awarded for any of the following subcategories of Job Performance:
- Innovation or problem-solving in job performance
- Success in meeting unit or individual objectives
- Improvement in response to suggestions made in the performance evaluations; positive impact on department, UL or the University
- Sharing of new insights or approaches with colleagues within UL and external to UL
- Active participation in UL operational committees or OhioLINK committees
- The candidate may present other evidence and argue that it demonstrates excellence in job performance.
- The following has a maximum point value of 150:
Acceptance, during the FEA period, of additional responsibilities outside of one's original letter of offer (not otherwise compensated).
University Citizenship
- UL governance
- CAC - 5 pts/year
- Travel Committee
- Chair - 5 pts/year
- Member - 2 pts/year
- Professional Development and Standards Committee
- Chair - 5 pts/year
- Member - 2 pts/year
- Handbook Committee
- Chair - 5 pts/year
- Member - 2 pts/year
- Diversity Committee
- Chair - 5 pts/year
- Member - 2 pts/year
- Search Committee
- Chair - 5 pts/each
- Member - 2 pts/each
- Dean's Review Committee
- Member - 3 pts
- Ad Hoc Reappointment Committee - 3 pts/year
- Ad Hoc Tenure Committee - 3 pts/year
- Ad Hoc Promotion Committee - 3 pts/year
- Working Groups and Task Forces - 3 pts/each
- University
- Provost Advisory Committee - 5 pts/year
- FASBAC - 5 pts/year
- University Tenure Board - 5 pts/year
- University Promotion Board - 5 pts/year
- Faculty Senate - 5 pts/year
- Other University Committees (elected)
- Chair - 5 pts/year
- Member - 4 pts/year
- Other University Committees (appointed)
- Chair - 4 pts/year
- Member 3 pts/year
- Search Committees - 2 pts/each
- Exec Committee - 3 pts/year
- Council Representative - 3 pts/year
- Other committees
- Chair - 3 pts/year
- Member - 2 pts/year
- Professional Service (local, state, national)
- Elected officer/conference programming chair - 4 pts/year/organization
- Committee, Board or Task Force chair - 3 pts/year/organization
- Committee, Board or Task Force member - 1 pt/year/organization
- Other Professional/Community Service - 1 pt/year/organization
- UL governance
UL Criteria for Research and Creative Activity
In order to apply for an FEA in this category, the Faculty member must submit a curriculum vita limited to the time period to which the FEA pool applies, a copy of each work produced during the period that is submitted for consideration, and a completed standard form categorizing their efforts into the appropriate area as listed below. If, for a work produced during the FEA period, there are reviews of or citations to that work during the FEA period, those may be submitted to the FEA Committee as supporting documentation of the quality of the work. An applicant can only receive an FEA in this category if the minimum point value is met.
Only work completed (not in-press-which will be counted in the next round of FEA) during the prescribed FEA period may be submitted.
All of the following point values are the maximum allowable points per item and are based on the assumption of full authorship. In the case of shared authorship, the percentage of points awarded shall be equal to the percentage of contribution made by the individual on that work of scholarship. For example: a faculty member with shared authorship on a peer-reviewed article (20 pts) who contributed 33% of the work on the article will receive 6.7 pts. (Points should be rounded to the nearest tenth.)
Work republished, either in an additional format (for example, articles in Haworth journals), or unchanged in a subsequent edition, may only be counted once.- Articles in scholarly or professional journals
- Invited-peer-reviewed - 25 pts
- Peer reviewed - 20 pts
- Invited non-peer-reviewed - 10 pts
- Non-peer-reviewed - 5 pts
- Bibliographies in scholarly or professional publications
- Critically annotated - 15 pts
- Descriptively annotated - 10 pts
- Unannotated - 5 pts
- Book chapters in scholarly or professional books - 20 pts
- Total awarded for book chapters in a single book is limited to 60 pts per book
- Book reviews
- Review essay - 10 pts
- Evaluative - 5 pts
- Book series - editor - 20 pts per book
- Books from scholarly or professional presses
- Author - 60 pts
- Editor - 20 pts
- Columns in scholarly or professional journals
- Author
- Invited/regular - 5 pts per column
- Unsolicited/submitted - 3 pts per column
- Column editor - 2 pts per column edited
- Author
- Editorial role for scholarly or professional journal or book series.
- Journal editor - 20 pts/yr
- Guest editor - 15 pts/yr
- Editorial board/reviewer of manuscripts - 10 pts/yr
- Section editor - 10 pts/yr
- Exhibits
- Curated, external to UL - 20 pts
- Curated, internal to UL -15 pts
- Catalog published - 20 pts
- Grants for scholarly or professional research
- Funded grants ≥ $50,000 - 30 pts
- Funded grants ≤ $49,999 - 20 pts
- Unfunded proposals - 5 pts
- Indexing and abstracting - 2 pts per title indexed (journal, festschriften) per year
- Presentations at scholarly or professional conferences
- Keynote - National/International - 20 pts; State/Local - 15 pts
- Invited - National/International -15 pts; State/Local - 10 pts
- Selected/refereed - National/International -10 pts; State/Local - 5 pts
- Poster session - National/International -5 pts; State/Local - 3 pts
- Proceedings from scholarly or professional conferences
- Presentation notes/PowerPoint slides - 5 pts
- Final paper based on presentation - 15 pts
- Products of advanced degree work
- Dissertation - 40 pts
- Thesis - 15 pts
- Conferred degree - 20 pts
- Research studies - 5 pts
- Reference books (entries in dictionaries or encyclopedias; an item of more substantial length may be counted as a book chapter)
- Author of entry or section - 10 pts
- Editor of entry or section - 10 pts
- Editor of reference book - 20 pts
- Review panel for funding agencies - 10 pts/yr
- Subject, name or series authority work contributed through nationally recognized professional organizations - 15 pts/yr
- Awards or Honors National or International State or Local
- Career capstone National/International - 30 pts; State/Local - 20 pts
- Individual accomplishment National/International - 20 pts; State/Local - 15 pts
- Certifications/Advanced training during the FEA period (ex. NACO, Immersion, OhioNet) 6
- National -- 15 pts
- State/local -- 10 pts
- Other scholarly activity - candidate must describe / summarize and suggest a point value. The FEA Committee and the Dean will agree upon the awarded point value for each item in this category. A total not to exceed 25 points is available for activity in this area.
Approved by UL Faculty, 4/7/10
Approved by the Provost, 8/20/10 - Articles in scholarly or professional journals
NTT Professional Development Excellence Pool
NTT faculty members who have successfully completed one full performance review are eligible to apply for funding for professional development activities from the Professional Development Excellence Pool as established by the FT-NTT CBA guidelines and criteria for the distribution of funds through the Professional Development Excellence Pool will be developed by the Non-Tenure-Track Provost's Advisory Council (NPAC) as set forth in the NTT CBA, Addendum E.
Approved by UL Faculty, 11/16/10
Receipt acknowledged by the Provost's Office, 11/17/10
Final approval, 8/31/11