
Prompt Reflection Throughout Use

If you can provide opportunities for students to reflect on your learning process and use of AI, they may better be able to monitor their use in the future.  Below are some example reflection prompts you can ask your students to respond to throughout an assignment.  

Before Use

  1. How am I going to use the tool? (To replace or enhance?)
  2. Have I been given permission to use the tool in that context?
  3. Is my intention to learn or to just get a grade?
  4. Do I know how to use the tool?
  5. Do I understand the strengths and limitations of the tool?

During Use

  1. Is the output biased?
  2. Is the output accurate (or is it hallucinating)?
  3. Is there a better prompt? Can I ask a different or better question?
  4. Are there other ways to do this WITHOUT AI tools?
  5. Am I acquiring the learning objectives of the course or assignment by using the AI tool?
  6. Where did the output come from (source, authorship)?
  7. Are the printed sources accurate?
  8. Have I vetted alternative perspectives?
  9. Am I using the tool appropriately according to our definition of ethical use of AI tools?

After Use

  1. Are my original ideas present in my work?
  2. Am I spreading misinformation or perpetuating harmful ideas, biases, etc.?
  3. How did I use the tool?
  4. How did it affect my learning?
  5. How did this assignment (and use of AI tools) help me advance my understanding of the content or learning objectives?
  6. Have I been transparent about my use of AI tools?
  7. Have I cited original authors and sources appropriately?
  8. Have I cited my use of the AI tool appropriately?
  9. Have I plagiarized (knowingly or unknowingly)?

Examples modified from Charlotte AI Institute for Smarter Learning (2023)