Environment and Water Policy
John A. Hoornbeek, Joshua Filla, and Soumya Yalamanchili, Watershed Based Policy Tools for Reducing Nutrient Flows to Surface Waters: Addressing Nutrient Enrichment and Harmful Algal Blooms in the United States, 29 Fordham Envtl. L. Rev. 50 (2017).
Available at:
Hoornbeek, John and Evan Hansen. 2013. “Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) in the United States: An Inquiry into the Role of Total Maximum Daily Loads” (with Evan Hansen), in the International Journal of Water Governance, Special Issue on Integrated Water Resource Management (J. Edelenbos and M. Lubell, editors), Baltzer Science Publishers, 1: 03/04, 2013, pages 339-360.
Hoornbeek, John and Evan Hansen, Evan Ringquist, and Robert Carlson. 2013 “Implementing Water Pollution Policy in the United States: Total Maximum Daily Loads and Collaborative Watershed Management”, in Society and Natural Resources: An International Journal, Taylor & Francis Ltd., 26:4, April, 2013, pages 420-436 (previously released in online edition, September 2012).
Hoornbeek, John. 2012. Water Pollution Policies and the American States: Runaway Bureaucracies or Congressional Control?, a book published by State University of New York (SUNY) Press, Albany, NY, 2012, Softback Edition, 329 pages, (hardback edition released in 2011).
Health Management and Public Policy
Intergovernmental Collaboration and Shared Services
Hoornbeek, John, Tegan Beechey, and Tom Pascarella. 2016. “Fostering Local Government Collaboration: An Empirical Assessment of Case Studies in Northeast Ohio”, in Journal of Urban Affairs, a journal of the Urban Affairs Association, Wiley-Blackwell Publishers, Volume 38, Issue 2, May (posted online ahead of print, DOI: 10.1111/juaf.12204, April 6, 2015).
Hoornbeek, John and Michael Morris, Matthew Stefanak, Joshua Filla, Rohit Prodhan, and Sharla Smith. 2015. “The Impacts of Local Health Department Consolidation on Public Health Expenditures: Evidence from Ohio”, in the American Journal of Public Health, a journal of the American Public Health Association, Vol. 105, No. S2, pages S174-S180, April.
Public Health Management and Policy
Public Policy and Administration
Author: Mark Cassell
Authors: John Logue and Steve Clem
Hoornbeek, John and B. Guy Peters. 2017. “Understanding Policy Problems: A Refinement of Past Work”, in Policy and Society, Routledge Taylor & Francis, published online September 11, link to this article: .
Hoornbeek, John and ֱ Sowards and Brian Kelly. 2012. “Small Communities and the Limits of E-Government Engagement?: A Northeast Ohio Case Study”, a chapter in E-government and Citizen Engagement: Factors and Determinants of E-Democracy (Marc Holzer and Aroon Manoharan, editors), IGI Global Press, 2012, pages 272-291.
Mental Health and Substance Use
Luo, W., Jin, R. Kenne, D., Phan, N. and Tang, T. (2024). An analysis od the prevalence and trends in drug-related lyrics on Twitter (X): Quantitative Approach. Journal of Medical Internet Research Formative Research, 8:e49567.
Zhu, J., Jin, R., Kenne, D., Phan, H., Ku, W.S. (2024). User dynamics and thematic exploration in r/Depression during COVID-19: Insights from overlapping r/SuicideWatch users. Journal of Medical Internet Research.
Zhu, J., Yalamanchi, N. Jin, J.,Kenne, D.R., and Phan, N. (2023). Investigating COVID-19s's impact on mental health: Trend and thematic analysis of Reddit users' discourse. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 25.
Laurene, K.R., Bonnah, G., Patel, S., Kenne, D.R. (2023). Utilization of the mental health first aid ALGEE action plan: a longitudinal study. Journal of Public Mental Health, 22(1).
Bista, S., Lechner, W.V., Anderson, M., Kenne, K.N. & Kenne, D.R. (2023) Cigarette and e-cigarette use as a function of psychological distress following COVID-19 related university campus closures, The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse. DOI:
Chatfield, S.L., Bista, S., DeBois, K. A., Kenne, D.R. (2022) The association between coping strategies, resilience, and flourishing among students at large U.S. University during the COVID-19 pandemic: A mixed methods research study. Building Healthy Academic Communities Journal, 6(2).
Laurene, K.R., Kodukula, G., Lechner, W.V., Grega, C., Lumpkin, E., Kenne, D.R. (2022). Assessment of psychological distress as a function of positive psychological variables during the COVID-19 pandemic: A university longitudinal study. Journal of American College Health.
Lechner, W. L., Laurene, K., Patel, S., Anderson, M., Grega, C., Kenne, D. (2020) Changes in Alcohol use as a function of psychological distress and social support following COVID-19 related University closings. Addictive Behaviors, 110.
Hu, H., Phan, N., Chun, S. A., Geller, J., Vo, H., Ye, X., . . . Dou, D. (2019). An insight analysis and detection of drug-abuse risk behavior on Twitter with self-taught deep learning. Computational Social Networks, 6 (10).
Laurene, K. R., Kodukula, G., Fischbein, R., & Kenne, D. R. (2018). What is the draw? Assessing a risk model and conventional exploration model of e-cigarette use. Journal of Substance Use, 24 (2) 184-191.
Fischbein, R.L., Lanese, B., Falletta, L., Bryant, J., & Kenne, D.R. (2018). Pregnant or Recently Pregnant Opioid Users: Contraception Decisions, Perceptions and Preferences. Contraception and Reproductive Medicine, 3(4), 1-9.
Falletta, L., Hamilton, K., Fischbein, R. Aultman, J., Kinney, B., & Kenne, D.R. (2018). Perceptions of Child Protective Services among Pregnant, Opioid-Using Women in Substance Abuse Treatment. Child Abuse and Neglect, 79, 125-135.
Yang, S., Tan, A.S.L., *Hamilton, K., Fischbein, R., & Kenne, D. R. (2018). Roadblock Not Gateway: Effect of Visual Vaping Cues on Harm Perceptions. Tobacco Regulatory Science, 4(2), 88-103.
Falletta, L., Hamilton, K., Fischbein, R., Aultman, J., Kinney, B., & Kenne, D.R. (2018). Perceptions of Child Protective Services among Pregnant, Opioid-Using Women in Substance Abuse Treatment Child Abuse Treatment. Child Abuse and Neglect, 79, 125-135.
Kenne, D.R., Fischbein, R.L., Tan, A.S.L., Banks, M. (2017). The Use of Substances Other Than Nicotine in Electronic-Cigarettes Among a Cross-Sectional Sample of College Students. Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment, 11, 1-8. DOI: 10.1177/1178221817733736.
Reinhold, B., Fischbein, R.L., Bhamidipalli, S.S., *Bryant, J., & Kenne, D.R. (2017). Associations of attitudes towards electronic cigarettes with advertisement exposure and social determinants: A cross sectional study. Tobacco Induced Diseases, 15:13. DOI: 10.1186/s12971-017-0118-y.
Kenne, D.R., Mix, D., Banks, M., & Fischbein, R. (2016). Electronic cigarette initiation and correlates of use among never, former and current tobacco cigarette smoking college students. Journal of Substance Use, 21(5), 491-494.
Kenne, D.R., Hamilton, K., Birmingham, l., Oglesby, W.H., Fischbein, R.L., & Delahanty, D.L. (2016). Perceptions of harm and reasons for misuse of prescription opioid drugs and reasons for not seeking treatment for physical or emotional pain among a sample of college students. Substance Use and Misuse, 52(1), 92-99.
Hruska, B., *Bernier, J., *Kenner, F., Kenne, D.R., Boros, A.P., Richardson, C.J., & Delahanty, D.L. (2014). Examining the relationships between posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms, positive smoking outcome expectancies, and cigarette smoking in people with substance use disorders: A multiple mediator model. Addictive Behaviors, 39, 273-281.
Kenne, D.R., Boros, A.P., and Fischbein, R.L. (2010). Characteristics of Opiate Users Leaving Detoxification Treatment against Medical Advice. Journal of Addictive Diseases, 29, 283-294