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University policy and procedures regarding search procedures for major academic administrative officers

  1. Purpose. The committee on administrative officers is responsible to the faculty senate and other university bodies and offices for ensuring that the search procedures for major academic administrative officers described herein are followed so that each and every vacancy is appropriately filled to ensure proper university operation.
  2. Participation of the committee on administrative officers.
    1. Each search committee is responsible for ensuring the confidentiality of its proceedings. The chairperson of a search committee shall consult with the committee on administrative officers as is consistent with necessary confidentiality.
    2. The committee on administrative officers will have an opportunity to interview all candidates on the final slate of candidates, and all materials on the candidates qualifications will be made available.
  3. Procedures common to all search processes.
    1. The membership of each search committee will be established according to the procedures detailed below for each identified administrative officer. When a vacancy occurs below the level of the president, the appropriate academic administrative officer will consult in a timely manner with the appropriate faculty advisory body or the committee on administrative officers about the search process to be followed, the type of search (e.g. internal or external) and the selection of an acting or interim appointee, if necessary.
    2. Official notification of a vacancy will be sent to the faculty and other appropriate members of the university community by each search committee.
    3. If a designated member of a particular constituency is unable to serve, the committee on administrative officers and the appropriate administrative officer shall arrange for the constituency involved to select a replacement.
    4. The job description shall be prepared for each position. For the position of the president, this will be prepared by the board. For each of the other academic officers, it will be prepared by the academic officer and the next higher academic officer. Any job description must be approved by the president.
    5. Early in the search proceedings, the committee on administrative officers shall invite suggestions for criteria for the candidates for the position as well as nominations from the full faculty and shall in other ways be responsive to faculty opinion in formulating recommendations to be communicated by representatives.
    6. The chairperson of the search committee or his/her designee will be responsible for advertising the position in appropriate publications, for circulating announcements of the opening to whatever other groups may produce interested candidates, in particular groups concerned with fair employment practices, and in general for inviting submissions of candidacy.
    7. The appropriate administrative office shall be responsible for supplying the secretarial assistance and the office space and equipment needed by the search committee.
    8. The search committee, at the end of its deliberations and through a method worked out by itself, shall produce a slate of no fewer than three and no more than five acceptable candidates for the position, arranged necessarily but possibly in order of preference. The committee shall maintain in reserve a second slate of up to five acceptable candidates that may be drawn upon to fill out the complement of the first slate in the event that at any time there remain fewer than three candidates actively interested in the post. In the event that none of the candidates forwarded by the search committee is ultimately appointed to fill a vacancy below the level of president, the appropriate academic officer will communicate to the search committee the reasons for the decision and the proposed next steps in filling the vacant position.
    9. From this final slate of three to five active candidates the president shall make the selection and present it for confirmation to the board. In the case of a search for the president, the search committee shall submit its final slate directly to the board.
  4. Search committee procedures.
    1. Search committee for president.
      1. Composition of the search committee. Since the president of the university as the chief administrative officer must work must work with all constituencies of the institution, it is desirable for the search procedure leading to the appointment to have very wide representation. Nevertheless, all members of a search committee represent the interests of the university as a whole, not merely those of a constituency. A search committee for president should include members from:
        1. The board;
        2. The faculty, including chairpersons;
        3. Administration;
        4. Students, both undergraduate and graduate;
        5. Alumni:
        6. And such others as the board may deem necessary at the time.
      2. Proportion. The committee membership should be as nearly as possible as follows:
        1. Two board members;
        2. Four faculty, including one regional campus faculty member;
        3. Two members of the administration, including one academic dean;
        4. One undergraduate and one graduate student; and
        5. One alumnus/alumna.
      3. The board will select its members by whatever means it thinks appropriate. It will also select the chairperson of the committee and appoint a staff person to handle collection of material and correspondence.
      4. Student members shall be the authorized person to represent the undergraduate student senate and the chairperson of the graduate student senate or designee.
      5. The alumni member shall be the president of the alumni association or designee.
      6. Faculty members on the search committee shall include the chairperson of the faculty senate, two other faculty members selected by the committee on administrative officers, and a regional campus faculty person selected by the regional campuses faculty advisory council.
      7. The members from the administration will be selected by the president s cabinet.
    2. Search committee for provost.
      1. Composition of the committee. The membership of the search committee should consist of at least fifty per cent faculty. Faculty members should be selected to reflect a balance among the units within the academic community and coordinated with the selections of the vice presidents and deans.
      2. Proportion. The committee membership should be as nearly as possible as follows:
        1. Six faculty members, including one regional campus faculty member and one departmental chairperson;
        2. One vice president;
        3. One academic dean;
        4. One undergraduate and one graduate student.
        5. And such others as the president may deem necessary at the time.
      3. Selection.
        1. Faculty members on the search committee shall be selected by the committee on administrative officers.
        2. The vice president shall be selected by the president s cabinet.
        3. The academic dean shall be selected by the academic administrative council (AAC).
        4. The regional campus faculty representative shall be selected by the regional campuses faculty advisory council.
        5. Student representatives shall be selected by the undergraduate student senate and the graduate student senate respectively.
      4. Chairperson of the search committee. The chairperson of the search committee shall be selected by the president after the total membership of the search committee has been identified.
    3. Search committee for Ñý¼§Ö±²¥ campus deans.
      1. The faculty senate committee on administrative officers and the provost's office will share the responsibility for creating a decanal search committee that is committed to the purposes of the search, to the values of the university and to effective productivity in terms of its charge.
      2. Composition of the search committee. The membership of the search committee shall consist of at least fifty per cent faculty. Faculty members should be selected to reflect a balance among the departments or schools represented in the academic unit.
      3. Proportion. The committee membership should be as nearly as possible as follows:
        1. Five faculty members from the academic unit, including one regional campus faculty member affiliated with the academic unit;
        2. One departmental chairperson or school director, if appropriate.
        3. One faculty member from outside the academic unit;
        4. One academic dean, vice provost, or associate/assistant provost;
        5. One undergraduate and one graduate student, if appropriate;
        6. And such others as may be deemed necessary at the time by the collaborating parties.
      4. Selection.
        1. The provost and other appropriate administrators will communicate with the appropriate faculty bodies to identify and describe the particular needs for representation on the search committee. The committee on administrative officers will communicate with the appropriate faculty bodies in order to determine and represent the interests of the faculty with respect to search committee membership.
        2. Search committee members will be nominated by the following groups. The committee on administrative officers and the provost will collaborate on the final selection. The provost may propose additional members for selection in consultation with the committee on administrative officers if, in his/her opinion, they are needed, and the committee on administrative officers may propose additional members for selection in consultation with the provost if, in its opinion, they are needed.
        3. The relevant faculty bodies and administrative bodies will nominate the following stipulated number of potential search committee members.
          1. Six faculty members from the academic unit will be nominated by the appropriate faculty advisory committee. If the academic unit does not have an established faculty advisory committee (e.g., continuing studies, undergraduate studies, etc.) the committee on administrative officers will communicate with appropriate faculty members in order to represent the interest of the faculty with respect to search committee membership. The committee on administrative officers will then nominate six faculty. Four will be selected per paragraph (D)(3)(b) of this rule when applicable.
          2. The chairs/directors of the unit will nominate three chairs/directors in the unit. In the case where the unit has no chairs or directors, then the chairs and directors council will be asked for three nominations. [one selected]
          3. The committee on administrative officers will nominate three faculty from outside the academic unit. These faculty must come from two different units. [one selected].
          4. The academic administrative council will nominate three members (an academic dean or assistant/associate/vice provost). [one selected].
          5. The regional campuses faculty advisory council will nominate three regional campus faculty affirmed with the academic unit. [one selected].
          6. The appropriate student advisory bodies will nominate three student representatives each. [one selected from each advisory body; two students].
          7. Chairperson of the search committee. The provost shall consult with the committee on administrative officers in the selection of a chairperson after the total membership of the search committee has been identified.
    4. Search committees for vice provosts and for vice presidents reporting to the provost.
      1. The faculty senate committee on administrative officers and the provost's office will share the responsibility for creating a search committee and that is committed to the purpose of the search, to the values of the university and to effective productivity in terms of its charge.
      2. Proportion. The committee membership should be as nearly as possible as follows:
        1. Five faculty members, including one regional campus member;
        2. One departmental chairperson or school director;
        3. One academic dean, vice provost, or associate/assistant provost;
        4. One administrative staff member from a department reporting to the academic officer;
        5. One undergraduate and one graduate student, if appropriate;
        6. And such others as may be deemed necessary at the time by the collaborating parties
      3. Selection. The provost and other appropriate administrators will communicate with the appropriate faculty bodies to identify and describe the particular needs for representation on the decanal search committee. The committee on administrative officers will communicate with the appropriate faculty bodies in order to determine and represent the interests of the faculty with respect to search committee membership.
        1. Search committee members will be nominated by the following groups. The committee on administrative officers and the provost will collaborate on the final selection. The provost may propose additional members for selection in consultation with the committee on administrative officers if, in his/her opinion, they are needed, and the committee on administrative officers may propose additional members for selection in consultation with the provost if, in its opinion, they are needed.
        2. The relevant faculty bodies and administrative bodies will nominate the following stipulated number of potential search committee members:
          1. The committee on administrative officers will nominate six faculty. [Four will be selected per paragraph (D)(4)(b) of this rule].
          2. The chairs and directors council will be asked for three nominations. [one selected].
          3. The academic administrative council will nominate three members (an academic dean or assistant/associate/vice provost). [one selected].
          4. The regional campuses faculty advisory council will nominate three regional campus faculty. [one selected].
          5. Three administrative staff members will be nominated by the provost. [one selected].
          6. The appropriate student advisory bodies will nominate three student representatives each. [one selected from each advisory body; two students].
          7. Chairperson of the search committee. The provost shall consult with the committee on administrative officers in the selection of a chairperson after the total membership of the search committee has been identified.
Policy Effective Date:
Mar 01, 2015
Policy Prior Effective Dates: 
11/4/1977, 4/5/1982, 11/20/2004, 6/1/2007