
Telecommuting Guiding Principles

Reviewing the telecommuting guiding principles below is required before applying for a telecommuting arrangement.

Guiding Principles

  • Ñý¼§Ö±²¥ State is a residential and in-person learning and living university. As such, it is expected that most employees will be working in person.
  • Any telecommuting arrangement must be guided by what is best for our students and the campus community and the operational needs of the university.
  • Telecommuting cannot materially change the duties of the position, adversely affect academic and administrative services, and must maintain the equivalence of a full-time work schedule.
  • Telecommuting arrangements are not intended to be used to address health-related issues, or as an alternative to leave as provided for in Chapter 6 of Section 3342 of the Administrative Code and Policy Register (i.e. sick leave, vacation, FMLA, etc.).
  • Employee’s focus during telecommuting must remain on job responsibilities.
  • Telecommuting arrangements will be reviewed regularly (no less than annually) and may be adjusted or discontinued at the discretion of the employee or the supervisor.
  • Employees on approved telecommuting schedules may be required to attend in-person meetings and activities – at their own commuting expense.
  • In general, employees on approved telecommuting schedules should work normal business hours (8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.). If an employee's normal work schedule is changing, a Flexible Work Arrangement Request Form will also be required. Visit the Flexible Work Arrangement page for details and to initiate the FWA Request form separately. 
  • In-person staffing must be maintained during regular business hours. 
  • Supervisors will review requests for the entire unit and make decisions after certifying that an appropriate plan is in place to ensure consistent and efficient delivery of services. 
  • Supervisors must limit telecommuting arrangements to no more than 20% of staff, so that on any given day at least 80% of employees are working in person.