Grand Challenge Studio: Warren, OH Revitalizing Communities Project
DI 49999 (CRN 19869)
3 Credits; Lecture/Lab/Studio
Mon/Wed 2:00 - 3:30 p.m., DI Hub- Room 201
Course instructors have met with representatives (including the Mayor) of the City of Warren, OH to talk about how we might propose some community partnered challenges to support Warren in addressing some big problems: "How might we help to stimulate and revitalize communities in the city in an inclusive, equitable and visionary manner?" Cross-disciplinary student teams would have support to engage, investigate, research, reframe and present compelling ideas in a public (city-sponsored) event, as well as help build plans to stay connected and implement potential ideas. There will be awards for the selected team solutions. There are potentials to connect with resources and partners from Public Health, Mental Health, Policing, Arts-engagement, etc. that would be tied to this initiative.
This course serves as a capstone-like experience in supporting the design innovation mindset. The Design Innovation Initiative seeks to amplify Ñý¼§Ö±²¥ State distinction that is designed to engage students as world changers, with flexible creative purpose driven minds – preparing them to be leaders in a rapidly changing world. The Grand Challenges studio is designed to tackle significant and meaningful challenges, attract industry and agency support, attention from the press and public and yield greater enrollment.
(**this course automatically counts for the experiential learning requirement)
Teaching Teams

J.R. Campbell
Executive Director, Design Innovation
Phone: 330-672-0192

Jennifer Mapes
Associate Professor, Geography
Phone: 330-672-6279

Bill Willoughby
Associate Professor, Interior Design
Phone: 330-672-2917