
How to be a Great Substitute Teacher

Online Workshop:

How to be a Great Substitute Teacher

There is a significant need for effective substitute teachers at this moment in K-12 classrooms. Since the State of Ohio has dropped many of the requirements for substitute licensure, many professionals are struggling with the day-to-day realities of substitute teaching, both short- and long- term. This workshop offers a very practical approach to becoming an excellent substitute who can teach lessons, manage a classroom, and attend to issues of diverse learners all within a respectful climate. Student teachers, new substitutes, experienced substitutes, and administrators are all welcome to this workshop!

Required Textbook: First Days of School by Wong and Wong, 5th edition. ISBN 978-0976423317

  • 2 undergraduate credit hours: CI 40093
  • 2 graduate credit hours: CI 50093

Dr. Katie Knapp, Associate Professor, TLC


For specific workshop dates, CRNs, and registration information, visit the main credit workshop page then click on the semester you are looking for.